Frequently Asked Questions

Where is my data, is it safe?

All of your data is stored securely within your Zebreco account and protected by secure authentication on a per user level.

The data itself stored securely on a highly advanced cloud hosting environment provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) where you're data is stored redundantly on multiple devices across multiple facilities and benefits from the redundancy and security which this platform provides.

All information is transferred securely via an encrypted HTTPS connection.

Is my data backed up?

Yes, the database which stores your data is backed up on a daily basis for disaster recovery purposes, and file storage is covered by the highly redundant, multi-location infrastructure as described above.

As per our Terms of Service, you are responsible for maintaining your own backups of all data.

How do I get a copy of my data?

We provide the facility for you to export your data. Simply go to `Settings > Account > Export`. Data can be exported in CSV and XML format with our XML export facility providing the most comprehensive set of data due to the limitations of the CSV format.

For files, you can use our integration with Zapier to sync your account to a third party storage service such as Dropbox or Google Drive.

Can I integrate Zebreco with other software, such as my accounting package?

Yes, you can connect Zebreco to many third party applications via our Zapier integration. You can manage your integrations in `Settings > Account > Integrations`.

Take a look at Zapier's App Directory to see what you can connect with.